Featured Video for Science

Nuclear Power: Risks and Benefits

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy generates massive amounts of electricity but also produces highly dangerous radioactive waste. This clip explains waste production in reactors, its treatment and containment and how technology continues to improve safety around nuclear fission. It also explores reprocessing of waste and summarises the costs and benefits of nuclear power generation.

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Science teaching resources

Mitosis and Meiosis


Cells are found in the tissues of all kinds of different organisms but how are new cells created? This clip describes the cell cycle and two types of cell division: mitosis, which is important for growth and repair; and meiosis, the process of generating sex cells for sexual reproduction. Diagrams and graphics demonstrate what is happening inside dividing cells.

Giant Leaps Forward

Exploring Space

The next few decades will be a busy time for space exploration and research and there are still many mysteries of the universe to investigate. This video looks at the future of the universe and human space exploration, looking at the continued and accelerating expansion of the universe, new space technologies and the potential start of a new ‘space race’.

Nuclear Power: Risks and Benefits

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy generates massive amounts of electricity but also produces highly dangerous radioactive waste. This clip explains waste production in reactors, its treatment and containment and how technology continues to improve safety around nuclear fission. It also explores reprocessing of waste and summarises the costs and benefits of nuclear power generation.

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